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Product Efficacy as Demonstrated in EMF Paint RF-IE50 Video

Product Efficacy as Demonstrated in EMF Paint RF-IE50 Video

I will elucidate the details concerning the video. It is crucial to begin by emphasizing that as of today, our encounter with the video about the RF-IE50 was accidental. We are not affiliated with the creators of the video in any capacity. We did not request a review of our product, nor did we supply the product to them for reviewing. Additionally, no financial transaction was made for the video as a form of paid advertisement. Despite this lack of association, we have opted to include a link to the video on our website because it outlines a basic test that can be conducted to verify if shielding is functional.EMF Shielding Paint

In wireless communications, an RF signal strength of -90 dBm is perceived as relatively low. The test shown in the video was conducted without specialized lab equipment, and with a relatively low signal strength. Consequently, the maximum attenuation displayed is about 25db, unlike the 60db as stated in the technical datasheet. Nevertheless, a significant reduction in the signal is evident post the application of the paint.

Concerning the cap demonstrated in the video, it is imperative to acknowledge that the fabric in direct contact with the skin must have the appropriate composition for use as clothing. This constraint limits the choice of fabric. We utilize WOREMOR fabric, with an attenuation level ranging from 25-35db. As previously noted, the decrease in signal might not be perceptible due to the already low signal and the absence of a dedicated lab and necessary equipment for the test. Both products function optimally with higher signals, where a significant reduction in the level is observable.

In wireless communications, a signal strength of -90 dBm is considered low. In a typical wireless setup like WiFi, such signal strength could lead to a weakened connection, diminished data rates, and overall unreliable connectivity. However, the acceptability of -90 dBm as "low" depends on the specific network or communication system's requirements and expectations. Here is a general classification for WiFi signal strength:

  • -30 to -50 dBm: Excellent, suitable for all kinds of data communication.
  • -50 to -70 dBm: Good to fair, suitable for most communication types.
  • -70 to -90 dBm: Poor, may lead to data communication and reliability issues.
  • Below -90 dBm: Unusable, unlikely to sustain a stable connection.

Some systems might find -90 dBm acceptable, while others might deem it too low. It’s crucial to highlight that signal strength is not the sole determinant of communication quality and reliability; other factors like noise and interference significantly contribute as well.

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