DC Gaussmeter GM2
Product Description:
Model GM2 is designed to measure strong and moderate magnetic fields, such as from magnets and solenoids. It is fast and intuitive to use, with an extremely high dynamic range, measuring from 0.0 to 19,999.9 gauss in 0.1 gauss steps. Above 20000 gauss the range automatically changes, reading 20.000 to 29.999 kilogauss (20000 to 29999 gauss) in 1 gauss steps. Therefore a change as small as 0.1 gauss could be measured, for example, in a 14,000 gauss field (typical of the strongest possible field from a permanent magnet). With an optional high-stability probe, it has 0.01 gauss resolution. (High-stability probe range is +/- 799.99 gauss). The GM2 also measures AC field up to 10,000 gauss. A fast peak hold function (2 millisecond window) captures and displays any transients, whether positive or negative. In addition, either of two fast (2 millisecond) alarm functions can be selected when required. The alarm can sound either when the field exceeds a value that you set, or if the field is ever between two values you set. GM2 instructions.