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LATNEX® MG-2000T Triple Axis AC Gaussmeter

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Original price $ 179.99
Original price $ 179.99 - Original price $ 179.99
Original price $ 179.99
Current price $ 161.00
$ 161.00 - $ 161.00
Current price $ 161.00

LATNEX® MG-2000T is used to measure electromagnetic fields of extremely low frequency (ELF) of 30 to 2000Hz.

It's capable of measuring the electromagnetic field radiation intensity coming from:

- Electric transmission equipment
- Power line
- Microwave oven
- Air conditioner
- Refrigerator
- Computer monitor
 - Video/audio device

Display: 4 digits Triple LCD display
Range: 20/200/2000 mG,2/20/200μT
Resolution: 0.01/0.1/1 mG or 0.001/0.01/0.1 μT
Frequency response: 30Hz to 2000Hz
Sensor: Triple Axis (X, Y, Z)
Accuracy: 20 mG /2μT±(3.0%+30dgt) at 50Hz/60Hz
                 ± (2.5%+5dgt) at 50Hz/60Hz   
                 ±(5%+5dgt) at 30Hz/2000Hz
Over load: LCD display “OL”
Sample rate: 2.5 times per second
Battery: 9V NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22 or JIS 006P
Battery life: Approximate 100 hours
Operating temperature & humidity: 5℃to 40℃,below 80% RH.
Storage temperature & humidity: -10℃ to 60℃, below 70%.
Weight: About 230g. (0.51 pounds)
Dimensions: 173(L)*80(W)*32(H) mm. ( 6.82 x 3.15 x 1.25) inches


MG-2000T User Manual

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Larry W.

Seems to work well, I've moved some electronic equipment to different places in my house! This EMF stuff is everywhere!

Phil Segal

No complaints. A little pricier, but from my research, worth it


It worked as stated.

Jeffrey J.

Great unit and works very well. No problems using it so far. Thanks!

Dave U.

Like many people, the first EMF meter I bought was a  Trifield 100XE EMF Meter . It comes highly recommended by many vendors of EMF-related products and its Amazon product pages have lots of five-star reviews. However, my experience with it was not a happy one. This was mostly because the most popular Trifield model has a feature called "frequency weighting" that causes magnetic field readings to be multiplied by 2X or 4X if the meter detects high-frequency magnetic field radiation that's purportedly associated with "dirty electricity." Although my older house turned out to have a number of issues that caused low-frequency EMF, the Trifield's inflated EMF readings made it impossible to pinpoint the EMF issues so it was of no practical use. I ended up finding my EMF issues through other means such as tuning an AM radio to an unused channel and listening for humming or other interference that varied depending upon my physical location in my house. Regarding dirty electricity, I have had an experience with an electronics device that emitted _massive_ high-frequency interference most likely due to a failed filter capacitor, but otherwise my experience is that repairing causes of low-frequency EMF was adequate to alleviate my concerns.Therefore, when I spotted an article that recommended a close cousin to this meter versus the frequency-weighted Trifield, I decided to order one. I've been giving it a workout ever since it arrived.How does the LATNEX compare to the frequency-weighted Trifield? It is vastly superior in almost every way and with relatively little added expense! Its biggest advantage is that it provides _flat_ EMF readings in the low frequency range that seems to affect people like me the most. The word "flat" signifies that the readings are not multiplied or weighted. The effect is that the LATNEX meter typically reads 2X lower than the Trifield if the two meters are positioned side-by-side in the presence of a magnetic field. If the Trifield reads 3.0 mG, the LATNEX will read something like 1.5. What with the widely-held opinion that readings of 3.0 mG or above are unhealthy, this is a very significant difference. If I took the Trifield's readings at face value, I'd think that my house was an unhealthy EMF environment, but the LATNEX tells a very different story. One wonders how many folks have laid down big $$$ on EMF remediation products primarily because the Trifield showed multiplied EMF readings. If so, maybe those folks might have saved lots of $$$ if they'd had a flat EMF meter such as the LATNEX.The LATNEX's flat EMF readings make it a lot easier to distinguish EMF hotspots. With the Trifield, it reads equally high throughout my house, but the LATNEX's readings vary depending on its proximity to EMF sources such as switching transformers or power wiring. In one situation, the LATNEX showed a very high EMF level in the vicinity of a wall outlet. I unplugged the device from the outlet but the EMF stayed high. Remembering that there was another outlet on the other side of the wall, I carried the LATNEX over there and got the same high reading. More importantly, the reading 4' - 6' away from the outlet was elevated by a significant amount if the clock was plugged in. Unplugging a digital clock's wall-wart transformer caused the EMF reading to immediately go back to a more typical level (1.5 - 2.0 mG in that room). Since that outlet was less than 6' from my bed, I moved the clock to the other side of the bed where it's plugged into a different outlet that's several additional feet from my bed. I'd have never found this issue if I'd relied on the Trifield!The last advantage I'll mention for the LATNEX meter is the toggle button that lets you view the three axes--X, Y, and Z--independently. This is very handy for getting an idea of which direction an EMF source lies compared to the meter. In many areas of my house, this mode makes it very clear that the strongest EMF is in the ceiling which happens to be where most electrical wires are. Without this mode, I'd have no idea of whether the EMF source is above, below, ahead, or behind of me, but with it I can find the EMF source much more quickly!I am very impressed by the LATNEX meter. Using it has quickly put me at ease regarding the EMF health of my property and it has been useful for finding and correcting specific EMF issues. Highly recommended!!!