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EMF Protection in Denver, Colorado

Denver is known as the Mile High City because of its high altitude. It is the most populous and capital in the state of Colorado. It is the 19th most populous city in the United States. Denver is one of the fastest-growing major cities in the United States. It is the best place to live in the United States according to U.S. News & World Report. The population of Denver is 716,492 residents. Since it is one of the best cities to live, it probably has good protection against EMF radiation.

EMF radiation is one of the worst things that can happen to a person while using a device like a cell phone or near a cell tower. There are many ways it can impact your life and body in a negative way. One of the ways it can affect you is your nervous systems and cause damage to your cells. You don’t want to harm your body because of EMF.

EMF Shielding is here to keep you safe from EMF. We provide you protection from EMF and radiation that cause very bad effects to your body and to your family’s bodies. We have many different products that can help you in a big way. For example, if you want anything that has to do with protecting each single person in your family, then we have blankets, clothing, cell phone cases that will protect you from EMF radiation

We sell our products to many different clients all around including in the public and private sector

Examples of clients that we worked with:

  • Navy
  • Air Force
  • Department of Justice

With the high altitude in Denver, more people might stay inside, so that means they will use their devices more. There is an issue with using the device too much because of the radiation that is on the devices that go onto us without us knowing. Our team will make sure that none of this will happen to you with our expertise and knowledge about EMR radiation. EMR Shielding Solutions can answer any question that you have for us.

With more people using more devices each day and with technology evolving each day that means more devices and cell towers will be made. This will affect us even more. Come to EMR Shielding Solutions to get yourself protection and keep your healthy for a long time.

The cell tower map  of registered FCC providers  can be viewed on the following web site: Cell Towers Locations in Denver, Colorado


In addition, you can earn a 200 loyalty EMF points and a 10$ gift card  if you correctly answer all of the questions below. The goal is to help you gain a basic idea about the EMF types and how they can be measured.

A. Pick the correct 2 radiation types that come from EMF radiation?

  1. Non-Ionizing
  2. Potency
  3. Ionizing
  4. Cellular

B. Does the cordless phone emit RF electromagnetic field radiation?