LATNEX® DC Milligauss Meter Model MG-DC3
An improvement on the flux gate magnetometer, the DC Milligauss Meter measures magnetic fields (technically “flux density”) up to several times the strength of the Earth field. It has a resolution of 0.01 milligauss (1 nanotesla) and a range of +/-2000 milligauss (200 microteslas). The meter's magnetoresistive sensor is a major improvement over an uncompensated fluxgate magnetometer both in cost and stability. In fact, this sensor approaches a proton precession magnetometer in temperature stability. At only 1 mm x 0.2 mm, the active sensor area is much smaller than fluxgate magnetometer or proton sensors. This allows very precise magnetic measurements in small areas (such as thin films) or with high gradients, if applicable.